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Course Dashboard

Course Dashboard makes all learner’s courses accessible in one place.

María Isabel Zuleta Zapata avatar
Written by María Isabel Zuleta Zapata
Updated over a month ago

Course Dashboard makes all learner’s courses accessible in one place.

Learners can search the assigned courses and keep track of their activity by toggling between the active and completed courses. 

Features and Benefits at a Glance

  • Get an overview of all assigned courses in one place.

  • Navigate between the active and completed courses.

  • Sort the courses by name, progress, and the date when it was last opened or added.

  • See details of your progress.

  • Authors can assign courses by adding learners to the Whitelist and enabling the Save Progress Cross-device under the Configure tab.

How to get there

  • Access via the direct link

  • Navigate through the current open course by selecting “My courses” from the top right learner’s menu.

A course gets to the Course Dashboard automatically once a learner logs in to the course.

Also, authors can assign courses to learners by adding learners’ emails to the Whitelist + enabling Cross-device progress saving. The course appears under the 'Active' tab in the Course Dashboard and becomes available for those learners.

Note: Please republish your existing courses to ensure the progress is stored correctly in the Course Dashboard.

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