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What Is a Course?

Online courses include e-learning material like content and questions organized into sections.

María Isabel Zuleta Zapata avatar
Written by María Isabel Zuleta Zapata
Updated over 3 weeks ago

A course is a generic term that covers the e-learning material you create. It includes learning objectives, questions, and content.

A template applied to the course defines its look and feel, the layout of content, and interactions between a learner and a course.

A course can contain one or multiple sections with related learning objectives, each including a set of questions and content pages. The number of sections, content, and question items is unlimited. However, for the best results, stick to 3-5 sections per course.

Take a peek at the ready-to-use example courses. In the course editor, click on the “New Course” button to browse through the example courses library.

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