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Multiple Choice Question
Multiple Choice Question

Use multiple choice questions when you want learners to find multiple correct responses.

María Isabel Zuleta Zapata avatar
Written by María Isabel Zuleta Zapata
Updated over 2 months ago

The Multiple-choice question offers several choices with more than just one correct option. 

This question type is best used for checking knowledge on a series of facts or procedures that have more than one reasonable choice. 

How to create a multiple choice question in Easygenerator

  • Select the multiple-choice question from the left-hand panel and add it to a section.

  • Add a question title and instructions (tip: specify how many answers should be chosen). 

  • Fill in the answer options. Click the ‘Add answer option’ button to create more options. Mark the correct responses.

  • Create feedback for correct and incorrect answers.

  • Optional: add a voice-over, and consider enabling the survey mode

  • You can reorder, delete, and copy the answer options at any step of creating the course. Hover over the answer option block and use the respective option that appears.

Tips for writing good multiple-choice questions

  • The question instruction should be meaningful and state a specific problem that focuses on the learning objective. 

  • In the question instruction, specify how many answers should be chosen.

  • Do not use negative phrases unless absolutely necessary. They confuse the learners. 

  • Use 3-5 alternatives per question. Research shows that three-choice items are about as effective as four or five-choice items, mainly because it is difficult to come up with plausible distractors. More than 5 alternatives may be confusing.

  • Make sure the distractors are credible and realistic, otherwise the correct answers will be too evident. 

  • Avoid clues to the correct answers.

  • Keep the options parallel, of similar length, and have consistent grammar.

  • Avoid using alternatives like ‘all of the above and ‘none of the above’. 

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