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Course Template for Organization
Course Template for Organization

Create a course template which can be used by all your team members as a base for new courses.

María Isabel Zuleta Zapata avatar
Written by María Isabel Zuleta Zapata
Updated over a month ago

To save time and make the course creation process easier, the admin of the organization can create a course template from existing courses so all organization members can use it as a course template on the Create new course step.

NOTE: This option is available only for organization owners and admins, therefore it is available only for Team and Enterprise plan users.

Create the course template

Here is a step-by-step instruction on how to create the organization template:

  1. On the Organization courses library page, unfold the Manage tab and select Organization templates.

2. When you create a template for the first time, click the Select courses button to proceed:

If you already have some drafts or published templates, click the Add templates button:

3. Select the course you would like to have as a template for all members of your organization.
You can select from your own courses or from organization courses, you can use tags and search fields to quickly find the courses you need. Once selected, click the Create templates button:

Note: The course template is an independent copy of the course, so changes you make in the course that was taken as a base, won't affect the course template.

4. Adjust the courses if you need by clicking the Settings button:

You can change the course thumbnail, and the title and add the description for your colleagues to provide more information when they need to use this template:

5. Select the course by checking the checkbox and click Publish templates:

How to edit and delete the Course Template

If you need to change something in the course content or design, you will need to make all required changes in the course that was used as the base of the template (or use another course), then delete the course template, add it again from scratch, and publish:

You may need to edit the template title, description, or thumbnail of the published course. To do this, you need to unpublish the template first, switch to the Not published tab and click Settings. Once ready, select this template and publish again:

To completely remove the course template from published templates and from drafts, select the template and click the Delete button.

To just unpublish the template while keeping it in drafts (under not published templates), select the template and click the Unpublish button.

How to use the organization template

Any organization member can use the organization template when creating a new course.

You need to click the New course button on the courses library page, select the Template option, and then select the template that will be available at the very top of the example courses list:

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