Data insights can tell you a lot about your courses. You can uncover which topics are attracting more interest, understand which assessments work best, find out if your content has the right level of complexity, etc. within seconds. Along with the Data Insights, the Question analytics is also available.
You can access the Data insights under the Results tab > Insights.
With Data insights, you can:
See the overall number of unique learners who attempted the course.
Check the percentage of learners who passed, failed, and are in progress under the Course completion dashboard.
See the average number of attempts learners made to pass the course successfully.
Get an idea of the average time learners spent to complete the course.
Simple and intuitive interpretation and visualization of data.
Measuring learning in ways that create significant value.
Bringing in meaningful insights to guide decision-making (for example, choosing the topics, ensuring your training fits into the time frame given to employees, and crafting courses that fit your audience).
How the distribution of learners works:
A unique learner can only be under one group at a time.
If a learner has 1 attempt, this learner goes under the group that corresponds to the status of the attempt (Passed, Failed, or In progress).
If a learner has multiple successful attempts, then only one attempt is counted, and the learner goes under the Passed group.
If a learner has multiple different attempts (Passed, Failed, In progress), then the priority is given to a successful attempt, rather than the most recent attempt, and the learner goes under the Passed group.
If a learner has multiple different attempts (Failed and In progress only), then the priority is given to the Failed attempt, rather than the most recent attempt, and the learner goes under the Failed group.
How an average number of attempts is calculated:
This metric corresponds to the number of attempts taken before successfully completing the course for the first time, including the passed attempt. Any further attempts following the first successful one don’t count.
An average number is calculated based on the number of all attempts that were taken by all unique learners before they successfully passed the course for the 1st time, including the passed attempt.
How the average time to complete the course is measured:
This metric corresponds to the amount of minutes learners spent to complete the course for the first time.
For the calculation of the average time to complete the course (reach the mastery score or fail) only the first attempt of each unique learner is taken into account.
The attempts taken into account are either Passed or Failed. In progress attempts are not relevant for this metric.
Note: The average time metric is only available for courses created or republished in the All-in-one template after December 2020.