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Configure tab

Under Configure tab, you can adjust progress and login, extra features, scoring, content and questions and language settings.

María Isabel Zuleta Zapata avatar
Written by María Isabel Zuleta Zapata
Updated over 2 months ago

Below is an overview of the current settings:


You can choose whether you want to display your course content on multiple pages (regular course) or create microlearning using the one-page layout.

You can also decide on how you want to present the course navigation for your learners by default and access the advanced design settings to customize the look and feel of your e-learning.

For more detailed information, please click on this link.

Progress and login

Progress saving:

  • Save progress cross device: Learners can take a break and continue later on any device with an Internet connection. This option is obligatory to allow learners to generate certificates.
    Note: This option requires registering as a learner to set up the password so they can use it when logging in from any other device. To register, the learner can switch to the SignUp tab or go to the following link:

  • Allow login via social media: Learners can use social media credentials to log in to the course.

Results tracking:

  • Results tracking: You can track learners’ progress and see results in the Gradebook. Learners have to authorize with their e-mail and name. If cross-device progress saving is enabled, they also have to set up the learner’s password.

Advanced settings:

Results tracking settings

  • Allow users to skip tracking and tracing: Learners will have the option of taking the course anonymously. If they choose to do this, their progress won't be reported.

Report to LRS

  • Easygenerator: By default, learners’ progress is reported to Easygenerator directly and results are stored in the Gradebook.

  • Custom LRS: You can report learners’ progress to a custom LRS instead of Easygenerator.

Extra features



  • Allow scoring of content pages: Visiting the content pages will contribute to the overall mastery score along with answering the questions and will affect whether a learner passes or fails.

Answer settings

Answers are submitted:

  • After every question: Learners will receive immediate feedback after submitting each question.
    Note: if you have set "Submit after every question" + limited number of attempts, there won't be an option for the learner to re-take the whole course from scratch.
    If you have set "Submit after every question" + unlimited number of attempts, the learner will be able to retake the whole course from scratch only in case they completed the previous attempt successfully. Until the course is not passed, the learner will still have the option to re-answer all questions till they select the correct answer options and pass the whole course.

  • All questions at once: Learners will have to first answer all questions before submitting them. They can adjust their responses (without seeing the correct answers) until the moment they opt to submit all answers (by clicking the "Submit all answers" button in the lower-left corner of the navigation panel). Upon submission, learners will find out if they have passed. They will not see the question-specific feedback.

Note: When the option "All questions at once" is applied, the progress is still stored so learners can continue after taking a break.

Number of attempts to answer each question / Number of attempts to pass the course

Note: "Learner submits answers" settings influence whether attempts refer to attempts per question or attempts per overall course.

  • Unlimited

  • Limit number of attempts

    • Show the correct answer after reaching the limit

  • The limited number of attempts allows you to enable the option for learners so they can review what was the correct answer once they reach the limit of attempts and if they failed the course.

Note: if you have set "Submit after every question" + limited number of attempts, there won't be an option for the learner to re-take the whole course from scratch.

If you have set "Submit after every question" + unlimited number of attempts, the learner will be able to retake the whole course from scratch only in case they completed the previous attempt successfully. Until the course is not passed, the learner will still have the option to re-answer all questions till they select the correct answer options and pass the whole course.

Mastery score settings

Mastery score: learners have to reach the minimum passing score to complete the course successfully.

Mastery score will be for:

  • Overall course (average score for all sections)

  • Each section (this should be a minimum score in each section to pass the course successfully)

Minimum passing score:

  • Percent score (100% means that the learner should answer all questions correctly)

Navigation settings

Restrict navigation

By default, learners can move freely throughout a course. With the enabled feature, the restrict navigation is automatically applied for both sections and pages. This means that learners cannot progress to the next section or page until the current one is fully completed.

Here, completion is defined as

  • for content pages - opening a page and clicking the Next button

  • for question pages - providing answers to a question and clicking the Submit button

Content and questions

General settings

  • Show learning hints: Learners can see hints with additional information to help them answer questions. You can add hints via the “content” block at the very bottom of the question editor.

  • Show content pages: You can show content pages or hide them and display questions only. You can use this feature to quickly create a quiz or exam by duplicating your course and hiding the content pages so that only the questions are shown to learners.

Question settings

Question pool

The Question pool allows you to show learners a certain number of random questions from all course questions.

Note: Questions with the survey mode enabled are not included in the Question pool.

The Question pool option requires the following configurations:

  • Show content pages - disabled.

  • Allow scoring of content pages - disabled.

  • Mastery score - overall course.

The Question pool option will be unavailable until these settings are configured. You can click on the information icon next to the Question pool and change them accordingly.

This feature offers the following options:

  • Show only a subset of XX random questions from all questions: The questions selected are random as well as their order.

  • Show subset:

    • Same subset of questions on every attempt: for each attempt learners take, the questions and their random order would be the same unless the “Shuffle questions order within the subset“ is checked.

      • Shuffle questions order within the subset: the same set of questions is randomized on every attempt.

    • New subset of questions on every attempt (“Show answers from the previous attempt” will be set to “Reset”).

Answer settings

Show answers from the previous attempt:

  • Show (learners will see how they have answered on their previous attempt)

  • Reset (learners will see the empty answer options)

Order of answer options:

  • Set by the author

  • Shuffle answer options (the answer options will be randomized for each learner's attempt to pass the course)

Language and translation

Interface Labels

You can choose the language of the course interface labels or add your custom translations.

Course Translation

You can translate your course into multiple languages with XLIFF export and import or automated translation option.

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