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Course Builder

Develop your course structure and content with our Course Builder in 3 simple steps, and access our Doc-To-Course feature.

María Isabel Zuleta Zapata avatar
Written by María Isabel Zuleta Zapata
Updated over 3 months ago

Outline Builder is now Course Builder powered by EasyAI, and it's here to streamline the process of defining your course structure and content. You can choose whether to use it with our AI suggestions (including our Doc-To-Course feature), or by manually adding your own information.

You can find the Course Builder by clicking the + Create course button from the Home or Courses tab -> Use Course Builder. You can also have the opportunity to access it when you choose the Empty course option or from the Templates:

EasyAI access

If you have access to EasyAI, you can immediately use the Course builder with the AI functionalities. Otherwise, you can use our manual flow which is covered later in this article by selecting the Continue without EasyAI option, or request access to our AI features by clicking on the Request EasyAI access button to send the request to your CSM (see screenshot below).

Note: This welcome page will be shown just once.

Course Builder powered by EasyAI

Create not only an outline for your course but also the course content with interactive blocks, questions, and get automatic suggestions with EasyAI.

Note: The steps for our Course Builder powered by EasyAI are the same as the ones described in the manual flow but with some changes.

How does it work?

Once you click on the Use Course Builder button from any of the above options, you just need to follow these 3 simple and easy steps:

Step 1: Define the purpose

In this step, you will not only set the context for your course, but also describe it, define your target audience, and choose the course duration.

To do so, you can use our Doc-to-Course feature (optional), or directly answer the 3 questions proposed in this step (please find the question details explained at the end of this Step under the Direct flow):


With our Doc-To-Course feature, you can upload your own documents (PDF, PPT, and Word) and generate a course out of them while enhancing your course creation process.

Important File Requirements:

  • You can only upload documents in PDF, DOCX, or PPTX format.

  • Each file can have a maximum size of 30MB and 22.500 words, and you can upload up to 3 files per generation.

  • It is recommended to upload documents with a minimum of 500 words to take full advantage of this feature.

  • You can upload documents from your PC, your document's Library, or by pasting a Google Docs/Slides link.

  • In case you want to upload documents via a link, please note you can add one link at a time and it should provide public/open/shared access to successfully process the file. Only the following domains are allowed:

    • Google Docs.

    • Google Slides.

How to upload documents into Course Builder?

To upload your document, click on Choose file -> Select the preferred option to upload your document from, or drag and drop the file into the Upload files box:

Once you have uploaded the file, you have the option to [1] Add more files (until you reach the limit), [2] Remove an uploaded file by hovering over the document and clicking on the Bin icon, or Retry the uploading for failed upload attempts.

Note: In case the uploaded documents do not have enough information to process, you will also find a Settings option where you can choose [1] if you want to enrich your course with AI knowledge, or [2] if you want to keep the document structure (available only when there is one document uploaded):

After you are satisfied with the uploaded documents, kindly continue with the same steps described in the following flow.

Note: The uploaded documents from your PC will be stored in your document’s library.

Direct Flow

You can decide whether to upload your documents into Course Builder or directly generate information based on your input. Either way, you need to answer the following questions to create your course content:

  1. What is your course about: Provide a brief description of your course topic and the challenge it addresses for your learners, and choose the language in which you'd like to generate the course content.

    Note: The available languages for the course builder are the same as those supported by our interface. You can find more information here.

  2. Who are your learners: Describe your audience and specify the learner proficiency by choosing the level from the dropdown list: Entry, Intermediate, or Advanced level.

  3. What is your ideal duration for this course: Choose if you want to create a Quick, Regular, or Extensive course.

Note: Make sure to click on the green check button after adding your responses.

After describing your course, you need to set the context, the course goals, and the title just as in the manual flow, but with the difference that you have suggestions from EasyAI that you can use (in case you would like to have more options, you can regenerate the goals by clicking on the Regenerate goals button).

You can select one of the suggested goals, or manually add yours. After selecting it, you can edit the course goal as needed, and once done, click on the check button.

Repeat the same process for the remaining questions in this step, and click on Next to continue.

Step 2: Create a structure

Depending on the course duration you chose in the previous step, our course builder will suggest the number of sections under the Specify topics option:

  • For Quick Course → 1 Section.

  • For Regular Course → 2 Sections.

  • For Extended Course → 3 Sections.

The titles of the sections will be generated automatically, and you can customize them as needed, regenerate, delete, add more sections, and change their order.

Once you are satisfied with the results, click on Next.

Then, under the Structure your topics tab, EasyAI will create 3 content pages per section and each page will have its own title, which you can edit if needed.

In this step, you can also edit the course and section titles, add a new section or page, change the order, duplicate, and/or delete a section/page.

Once you're done with the content, click on the Next button.

Step 3: Preview and generate

Under this final step, you can Preview your outline and choose if you would like to generate the content for the pages with EasyAI (images + text), if you want to include questions at the end of each section, and if you want to add interactive blocks for all the pages.

  • If you choose the option to generate the content for all pages, the course builder will add the learning objectives, section/content/course images, and text for the content pages.

  • For the questions option, there will be one question per section, and it will be generated between our single-choice, multiple-choice, and true/false question types.

  • For the interactive blocks option, there will be one interactive element per section, and it will be intelligently chosen between our How To, Flip Cards, Show More, Card Sorting, and Checklist based on the nature of your course content.

You can also set the tone for your course content to ensure it aligns with your desired style or leave it up to EasyAI to choose the most suitable one. To do so, click on the Select a tone option and choose one of the predefined tones we have from the dropdown:

  • AI Determined (default): Our AI selects the appropriate tone based on the content.

  • Professional: Formal and polished.

  • Friendly: Warm and approachable.

  • Straightforward: Direct and clear.

  • Confident: Assertive and certain.

  • Narrative: Storytelling style.

  • Custom tone: If none of the predefined options suit your needs, you can select "Custom tone" and enter a tone description (up to 50 characters, e.g., "Educational").

    Note: To remove a custom tone, hover over it and click on the ‘x’ icon.

After reviewing the preview, click on the Generate Course button. The course builder will use your selected information to guide AI in generating the course content. You will then be redirected to the course editor to continue refining your training.

Course Builder manual flow (without EasyAI)

Generate an outline for your course and make the overall course creation process easier and more efficient by providing some information such as the course title, objective, key topics for your course, and selecting a content type that best describes those topics.

How does it work?

Once you click on the Use Course Builder button, you can either request access to EasyAI (as described before) or continue without it.

After that, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Define the purpose

In this step, you will determine the context and identify your overall goal, which will be added as your course introduction.

To set the context, you need to enter your course goal, what learners should know to achieve that goal, and set the course title in the corresponding boxes. Make sure to click on the green check button after answering each question.

Once you’re done, click on Next.

Note: The course goals and title have a limit of 255 characters. If you want to add a larger text in the introduction, you can add more details once you are in the course editor.

Step 2: Create a structure

In this step, you will specify and structure the topics that your learners need to review in order to accomplish the course objective you set in the previous step. Each topic will be reflected as a section title on your course.

If you want to create more topics for your course sections, simply click on the Add section button, or if you want to delete a topic, hover over it and click on the delete icon next to it:

Once you finish setting the topics, click on Next.

Then, you need to structure the key topics you set in the previous step by selecting one of the three content types to share the information with your learners.

For each topic, you can select if you want to present the information in a One-pager (text block), Step-by-step process (How-to), or a Checklist. To do so, click on the option that suits the best to share the knowledge and repeat with every topic/section.

The selected content type will become a separate content page within each section, and you can add more content and question pages to your course after generating the course structure in the course editor.

In this step, you will also be able to edit the course and section titles, add a new topic, change the order, duplicate and/or delete a section as shown in the gif below:

Once you’re done, click on Next.

Step 3: Preview and generate

In this last step, you will be able to preview the inputs you entered in the previous steps to generate the course outline: Course title, introduction, the topics (sections), and the chosen option to describe them.

Note: In this part, you cannot edit the course structure. Therefore, if you would like to make some changes, please use the navigation menu on the left side to go to the previous steps:

Once you are satisfied with the outline, click on the Generate course structure button at the bottom of the page to be redirected to the course editor and continue editing your e-learning as needed.

How to submit feedback on our Course Builder?

You can submit your feedback on the Course Builder under the 2 first steps once EasyAI generates the content and section suggestions by giving a Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down at the bottom right corner of each generated box.

After clicking on this option, you can write your feedback and click on Send once done, or Cancel if you desist from rating your experience.


  • When uploading documents with the Doc-to-course feature, the images from the documents will be automatically added to your course pages to align visuals with the content. If no document images are available, AI-generated images will be used instead, and all the extracted images will be saved in your media library

  • If you wish to go back to review any of the previous steps, you can simply do that using the Navigation menu on the left side.

  • It is mandatory to fill all the blocks in the steps to generate the course structure.

  • If you happen to refresh the page, you will receive a warning message to confirm or cancel this action. If you proceed to refresh it, the progress will be lost.

  • You can close the Course Builder at any time by clicking on the X button located in the upper-right corner of the page. If you have filled in any content, please keep in mind that if you confirm to close it, the information will be lost and cannot be restored.

  • If you make any changes to your inputs that impact AI generations of the completed steps, you will receive a pop-up message informing you that the progress of the following steps will be lost and the old suggestions will be replaced with new ones.

  • You can add a maximum of 10 sections in the course, and 10 content pages per section using the Course Builder. If you want to add more sections or content pages, you can do so once you are in the editor after generating the structure.

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